Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day Twenty Three

This morning I went to Christian's 9:00 class.  Have I mentioned that Christian is one of my favorite - and one of the toughest - teachers?

The signing in process is the same everyday: sign my name on the list with the rest of the students, then walk over to the 30 Day Challenge chart to see how everyone is faring compared to everyone else.

"I notice that I haven't seen Dave since he finished his challenge." I told Amy - another one of the teachers who was folding towels next to the chart.

"He was here yesterday.  He took one day off to go to the gym and lift weights.  I told him that he looked great.  He lost weight on the challenge."

"I asked him if he was doing anything different during the challenge.  He told me portion control and no beer." I said.

Christian overheard us and snorted with laughter.  "Yeah, I like my wine on occasion but I quit while I was training for the S. Cal Yoga Competition.  In fact I didn't have any for the whole month of January."

"But it's still January." said Amy

"It is?"

Tonight Surfer Boy and I had a long discussion about where we would be going for dinner on the 31st which will be the last day of the challenge.  You see, a decision was made at the beginning of the challenge to eat healthily and avoid alcohol.

"Well, we could go to K'ya Bistro for dinner and wine.  Or, we could cook a nice dinner here and have a bottle of wine.  Or, we could go to the Beachcomber in Crystal Cove and have dinner and a bottle of wine."

One thing is clear: wine will be involved.

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