Monday, January 7, 2013

Day Six

Half Moon Pose

Boy, am I working up an appetite.  To me, that's always been the most fun and - who's kidding who - the main reason for working out.

Morning class had me standing next to Dave, who lost over fifteen pounds last year during the 30 day challenge.

Then, I found out that Surfer Boy wanted to go to 4:30 class.  How could I ever turn him down?

Signing into class tonight, here comes Dave again.

"Dave, are you as hungry as I am?" I asked.

"No, actually I just don't feel like eating much.  In fact, my wife asked me what I wanted for dinner tonight and I told her whatever she fixed was fine.  I'm not that hungry."

"Well then can I go over to your house tonight after Kerry and I eat dinner at our house?"

I have to confess, cookbooks have become my new porn.  Vegan cookbooks mainly.  The food is delicious.  Tonight, I made a pasta dish with a vegan 'cheesy' sauce served with a fresh salad from the local organic farm.  We both went back for seconds.

I also found out tonight that the owner of the studio is throwing a party for all the participants of the 30 day challenge once we've successfully completed our goal.

When we were done with class tonight, I sought the owner out and asked her "Did I hear you say there's going to be a party?"

"Well, yes, just a small one.  It'll be really fun."

The first words out of my mouth were "Are you going to serve pizza?"

Back to the cookbooks.  I guess I'll have to find a recipe for a vegan pizza.

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